Greening landscape lamp wiring method


Greening landscape lamp wiring method

The wiring method of green landscape lamp mainly includes several steps of line laying, switch setting and lamp installation.

Line laying: When laying cables, pay attention to the bending radius of the cable, avoid mechanical damage, and conduct insulation tests before laying. The depth of the cable should be determined according to the specific environment (such as green space, roadway or sidewalk) to ensure that the cable is safe and does not affect the aesthetics of the landscape1

Switch settings: The switch settings of landscape lights usually involve the use of dual control switches, and red, blue, and green wires need to be prepared. The red line is used as the live line, the blue line is used as the neutral line, and the green line is used as the control line. The dual control switches need to be properly connected to ensure that the lights can be controlled in two places2

Lighting installation: Different types of outdoor lighting fixtures (such as garden lights, lawn lights, underwater spotlights, etc.) have different installation requirements, such as underwater spotlights need waterproof treatment, while garden lights and lawn lights need to be fixed on embedded parts3

These steps ensure that the green landscape lights are not only functional, but also in harmony with the surrounding environment, improving the overall aesthetics and safety.

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